Learning Center

Why and When Your Child Should Have a Debit Card: A Parent’s Guide
Teaching kids about money is key in parenting. A debit card can help them manage money as they spend more. Debit cards for kids are safe and easy for them to use. They let parents watch and help with their spending. Studies show kids can learn about money from age

Top 5 Money Mistakes Parents Make During Back-to-School Shopping Season!
As the new school year approaches, parents are swept into the whirlwind of back-to-school shopping. Amid rising prices and the constant onslaught of advertising, have you ever paused to wonder if you’re throwing money down the drain during this hectic season? This critical question isn’t just about spending money but

Are You Financially Ready to Be a Parent? Key Insights
Over 32,000 readers sign up for financial tips, showing big worries about money and parenthood. Thinking of starting a family means wondering if we can afford it. We often mix up how ready we think we are with reality. And feeling rushed because of time isn’t uncommon. Having a stable

Creating a Debt-Free Generation: Empowering Financial Freedom
“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker Creating a debt-free generation isn’t just wishful thinking. It’s a reachable goal that can change lives. Being financially free means you have enough savings and investments. This lets you live the way you want and prepare

Teaching Kids About Financial Freedom for a Secure Future
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin. Learning to handle money well is critical to doing great in life. It’s wise to teach kids about financial freedom when they’re young. This sets the stage for them to be good with money as they grow up. When

Shocking Truth: Are Parents Failing to Teach Kids Financial Literacy at Home?
Recent studies show many parents are worried. They fear their kids don’t understand the value of money. Oddly, most parents think teaching kids about money is their job. However, they see their children don’t know enough about it. Parents feel the best time to teach kids is before they hit